This great vast country had a
number of schools of thought and educational institutions following Gurukula
style for a very long time . A number of scientific techniques had been
perfected and were mostly taught through Teacher-Disciple ( Guru-Shisya ) relationship mostly using
oral reinforcement .
One of the
standing example is the use of lac as laminating material for water proofing
buildings and to prevent insect pest attack . People were aware of the fact
that Lac is an insect secretion and were able to collect fairly large
quantities of the same . Lac was also used for filling gold ornaments and for
making moulds.
Most of these teachers were jack
of all trades teaching different subjects over a long period of time . They
gave special education after assessing the interest and skill of students .
During the time of active learning the shisyas ( students) lived along with the
teacher . Customs were built around learning objectives and were learning
oriented .
Education about reproduction and healthy relationship among partners :
Reproduction an instinct through
which life forms are sustained on earth is one of the primitive instincts of
all organisms. In almost all animals, reproduction is predominantly pheromone
driven and is seasonal. In some case in addition to pheromones (sexual instinct
attracting chemicals), other agents such as colour (In the case of birds, fish)
or light (In the case of fire flies) are also used. But most animals have
breeding season. For most animals sex is
an instinct and is not primarily used as a pleasure pursuit or a pass time.
In human beings, perhaps, due to
evolution, increased intelligence level and also due to the use of perfumes,
the pheromone driven sexual instinct has been lost. Seasonal breeding pattern
also have been lost, in human beings. Every animal has maternal instinct of
protecting and nurturing their siblings. Even this instinct has been lost in
human beings as we find many mothers kill their children through abortion and female
infanticides or giving away their children to orphanages and for adoption. The
problem becomes acute when such practices come form the western countries and
many of our youngsters think it to be a fashion.
Educating the public is the primary responsibility of any progressive
society and more so for good governance. The civilization in BHARAT always
believed in this and has been practicing all forms of education including sex
The sex education primarily aimed at educating public that,
(a) Sex should be used for the purpose of building a family with a
single partner, whom the men or women
have taken through wedlock in the presence of relatives and friends.
This is the reason the
bride groom is escorted through a long procession so that most of the watchers would know who the bridegroom
to be is.
(b) Life should be built around one man and one woman and they should
try to enjoy life as chewing Sugar Cane
from the tip to the roots .
Sugar cane tip is salty and gradually
becomes sweat as one reaches the root, signifying, that the later part
of life in couples should be pleasurable and happy just as Sugar cane is.
(c) Couples used to be put on a bullock cart driven by two bulls. This
signifies the two bulls the wife and the husband should have perfect
coordination and move in the same direction and
with the same speed.
If one bull (either
wife or husband) becomes tired and slow the other should also slow down so that
the cart movement is not affected.
During the movement of the cart There will be ups and downs on the
road, making the couples realise that life will be full of ups and down and the
couple should adjust and go smoothly.
Their elders in a play way method introduced these life concepts to
young couples so that they lead a happy and contented life.
The wedge that protects the wheel from slipping away from the axil
signifies the limit to which husband or wife may flirt . The wife must be
confident that the husband knows his limits with other woman and vice versa .
An old lady who has seen full life would explain these aspects to the
young couple .
Every ritual
in marriage ceremonies had a
great significance in social education .
The ritual of seeing the stars
VASHISHTA and ARUNDATI too has its significance . The star VASHISHTA (MIZAR in
the constellation of Ursa Major) and ARUNDATI ( ALCOR in the constellation of
Ursa Major) are perhaps the first double stars to be noted by us. Arundati is
the wife of Vashishta . In a double star both go around the other .
Vashishta goes around Arundati
and like wise Arundati goes around Vashishta.
Perhaps this was highlighted in
the ritual to signify that the life of a woman is centred around one man and
vice versa
takes one full life time for a man to understand a woman and the same perhaps is true with regard to
woman too .
These ritualistic methods helped the ancients lead a happy life without
much of complications by misunderstandings and diseases.
More over the interaction with
elders helped in adopting a healthy way of life. Temples were of the learning
centres educating those who seek knowledge. Materials used in the temple as
well as their prasadams had significant medicinal values. For example the
vilvam leaf given in Siva temple is a cure for many skin ailments and a
powerful febrifuge; the Thulasi leaf given in Vishnu temples has a powerful
anti fertility action on humans.
The sculptures in temples also
had significant importance in educating public. For example, the society
discouraged prostitution and illicit or unlawful relationship between men and
During the MIDDLE CHOLA PERIOD, around the 8th century, the
society ridiculed such relationships.
This can be seen in the
photograph below where the woman pulling a man for illicit relationship is described
with a donkey’s head. There is also another artwork where the man accosting a woman
is depicted as a donkey. The society pulled both men and women who violate
social order. This is the situation during the CHOLA PERIOD .The Iravatheeswara
Temple at DARASURAM, in Tanjore District of Tamilnadu , depicts the life of
people lived at that time .
Thus we see a society that wanted
to educate their people for a healthy way of life. With the advancement of
knowledge and the influence of western world, our culture, education and
healthy, happy, and contented life has been seriously affected.
The advancement of technology and
its associated benefits are welcome development through the interaction with
the west. But if it happens with the deterioration of our cultural heritage, it
is time our youngsters think better and learn to lead a life as their ancestors
with the comforts gained through technological developments.
About 10,000 years back,
when agricultural practices organised cultivation began in the world, it is
estimated that, there were about 10 million human people living in the world. It is more than SIX BILLION
PEOPLE today.
If we take our country, according to the census in 1891, the population of undivided India was
only 281 million.
After that the major FAMINE in
1892, took away nearly 10 million people. The last major famine in Indian
sub-continent was the great Bengal FAMINE in 1942-43.
After India became free, the leaders of India took a decision to free
India from famine too. Due to better agricultural practices, public
distribution system, maintenance of adequate food reserves for any exigencies,
and better medical facilities, the human death rate has decrease and birth rate
and longevity of people has increased.
Today we are
proud that we rank first place in terms of the total number of children added
to the population of the world, every year.
There is a sculpture depicting
the method of childbirth in standing during Chola period, position as the photograph shows. DOES GRAVITY HELP IN SAFE DELIVERY . PERHAPS

Our youngsters must think, whether the above statistical fact is something we should be proud of or not.
We had large families in the past when agriculture was the major source
of income for families. The whole family lived together and worked together.
This was necessary because hiring farm labourers was expensive even in those
days. When the family is large, the work put in by the family members would
reduce the money paid to hired labours. To day with more number of people
looking for white-collar jobs, the above logic would not hold good. More over
the culture is shifting towards NUCLEAR FAMILIES from the joint families, leaving their wiser and elder members in OLD
AGE HOME. This is becoming a very great
social issue today giving a very hard blow to our cultural heritage.
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